Labels:bannister | bar | book | cassette tape | person | portal site | table OCR: "He kids Professor Fernleaf here I've spent my life visiting the tropical forests of the world, gathering notes vdeno pue pictures The Professr shows haw to use the with To you share them pieced CDROM LUDU vcec window toget her this hand -carved viewing device using spare camera parts and couple Of miniature TVs purchased from trader passing through. Use this CD-ROM to discover the exotic pue .wonderful'relationships between the plants, insects animals and people of the tropics as well as how important the rainforests are to uS all Slides and Text Protessor Ive tossed in some entertaining or2 player games to test your knowledge and tickle your imagination For parents pue teachers have included series thought provoking .ear ning Extras class projects vocabulary and a variety of educational ...